Inhale / Exhale!
When exercising, the usual way fit pros cue our clients to breathe is to ‘exhale on exertion’ which means breathing out on the hardest...
Inhale / Exhale!
My number 1 toilet tip!
Removing barriers to exercise
All about the glutes
Pros and cons of postpartum abdominal wrapping
Pelvic floor muscles and how to work them
C Sections - what I wish I'd known
Antenatal classes
Diastasis recti - the gap
Birth trauma
Postnatal HIIT is possible!
Getting your breathing right
The fourth trimester
Pelvic girdle pain
Breastfeeding before or after working out?
Exercising with a pelvic organ prolapse
How to practice 'self care'
My top pre & postnatal core exercise
Do you have 'mum hip'?
How to improve your sleep