MenoLift is a strength training 7 week programme for women approaching (or in) peri-menopause, menopause or post-menopause.  
A weekly 50 - 60 minute class where you can join in person (in Tooting SW17) or on Zoom or by following the Zoom recording at a time that suits you better as well as two weekly home programmes to do by yourself.  The home workouts have easy to follow programmes with videos and descriptions and you'll be added to a What's App group for the duration of the programme to help keep you accountable.
Women over 40 begin to lose 1% of their lean muscle mass every year and sometimes even earlier at around the age of 35.  During peri-menopause, the loss of muscle and bone density increases. Once you go through into post-menopause the oestrogen loss accelerates and the decrease in muscle and bone mass even more so. As your muscles and bones grow weaker this will make you at more of a risk of osteoporosis and fractures.
However, it is not all doom and gloom because lifting weights will...
Stimulate muscle-building stem cells which help us maintain our muscles as oestrogen declines
Strengthen your bones
Improve insulin sensitivity reducing risk of diabetes
Help to lower blood pressure
Decrease arthritic pain
Help to reduce visceral (deep belly) fat by ramping up your metabolic rate
Improve immunity
And not only that, it will make you feel empowered, strong and more confident in your body and what it can do, at a time when you may feel what is happening with it is a little out of your control.
This course is open to people new to fitness and also those who have been training for years. This course is about YOU and your progression with your strength and fitness and you’ll be recording your progress throughout the weeks.
For all the latest info please click here