As mums we are all guilty of putting everyone first before ourselves. We’re more likely to make sure our kids, partners, friends, parents, neighbours, pets(?!) are ok before checking in on ourselves and making sure we’re ok.
During this never ending pandemic, looking after our own mental health and taking some time out for ourselves has never been so important.
If you’re reading this thinking ‘yep this is exactly what I do’ then here are just a few ways on how to focus on you and put yourself first for once.
1. Get outdoors - everyone knows the huge health benefits in getting some fresh air and natural light for both our physical and mental wellbeing. Take your headphones and listen to a podcast or play your favourite music. 2. Treat yourself to a bubble bath, facial or manicure. It’s probably unlikely you’ll be able to do this during the day but as soon as the kids are down, lock yourself in the bathroom and pamper away! 3. Great arty. I don’t mean invest in a whole range of arts supplies but something as simple as colouring in can be hugely relaxing and satisfying. Colouring in isn’t just for kids, there are a large range of colouring in books for adults too. 4. Book in a time in your diary for a catch up with your circle of friends on Zoom. Studies have shown gossiping with friends releases higher levels of oxytocin – the happiness and love hormone. 5. Exercise. Yes gyms are closed and indoor and outdoor classes aren’t on at the moment but there are tons of online fitness classes around or even videos on YouTube you could do. 6. Go for a walk in the evening with a friend. I’ve been doing this a lot lately. Sometimes the last thing I want to do once the kids are in bed is go out in the cold and dark but I’m always 100% thankful I did afterwards. As we’re not allowed to socialise at the moment, this is a great way of catching up with friends and getting some exercise in at the same time. Winner!

There’s snow forecast for most of the country this week so if you’re unable to do any of the suggestions just find a bit of snowy grass and make snow angels! I defy you to do it and not feel happy!